After a couple of years planning, RAEvN's Nest Art Retreat flew by this past weekend. I would like to thank my family, the Cedarburg Cultural Center, Washington House Inn, Stagecoach Inn, the instructors, the Alex Wilson Band and attendees who together made this a wonderful memorable event for all. Pictured above is my mom
Joan Hollnagel and daughter
Brook Berth who helped me throughout the event. My mom volunteers often at the Cedarburg Cultural Center so she was an invaluable resource for using the facility when the regular staff was not there. My daughter Brook is a graphic artist and responsible for the beautiful hip colors and helping me design the website for the retreat.

Cedarburg Cultural Center provided us a beautiful place to host our venue. The staff was so supportive of my new-to-the-area idea, from suggestions on how I could best use their facility to setting up and taking down tables (several times) for different aspects of the venue. I would have never been able to host this retreat without their help. The Cedarburg Cultural Center offers events featuring performing artists and a variety of art classes for all ages and abilities.

Several of the retreat attendees stayed at the
Washington House Inn, which was one of our host Inns. The Washington House Inn is a lovely Historic Bed and Breakfast. They also provided classroom space for us to use.
The Stagecoach Inn was our other host inn. Wednesday night Bernie Berlin, Jill Berry, Judy Wise and I visited together in one of their cozy rooms partially listening to the Presidential debates, sipping wine and eating chocolate.

Thursday night there was a live ATC swap organized by Sue Young. This years theme was Gothic Arch Vintage Halloween.

Thursday night featured the
Alex Wilson Band. I have a great admiration for people with musical talent. Alex is currently playing with his brother Matt and uncle Marc and they are awesome. I predict in the near future they will be popular nationwide.

Bernie says "Spread your wings and learn to fly"! :)
Bernie Berlin's Friday Evening
Resist This class at the Cedarburg Cultural Center.
Laurie Mika's Friday Evening
Ancient Amulets class
at the Cedarburg Cultural Center.

Michael deMeng's Friday Evening
Matchbook Reliquaries class
at the Cedarburg Cultural Center.
Judy Wise's Friday Evening class
Making Art a Business was cozy and informative in the Gathering Room of the Washington House Inn.
Jill Berry's Friday Evening class
Copper Piano Hinge Book in the meeting room of the Washington House Inn.

Liz Brown enjoying Michael deMeng's Morpheus Box class. She is the innkeeper of the Stagecoach Inn along with her husband Brook. As a side note Brook Brown was my history teacher in High School. Isn't it wonderful how our lives are all interconnected. Who could have predicted my High School History Teacher's wife taking a class named Morpheus Box: A Transformation Chamber at a retreat that I had organized :)

Saturday was Vendor's night at the Cedarburg Cultural Center.

We are looking forward to seeing you at RAEvN's Nest Art Retreat 2009!