The first time my artwork appeared in a publication was the Sept/Oct issue of Somerset Studio 2002. It was a thrill then and continues to be whenever I see my art in a publication while holding the actual magazine in my hands.
Stampington and Company has played an integral part in the growth of my artistic career. I had the fortunate opportunity to help out at the Stampington and Company booth at the Creative Connection Event and meet Christen Olivarez who is the Editor-in Chief & Director of Publishing. Kerri Winterstein is the marketing coordinator manager. Both have a great sense of humor which made for a fun time! Stampington and Company is located in California so I didn't know when I would have the opportunity to visit in person. Whereas the
Creative Connection Event was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota about a 6 hour drive from my house.

Stampington & Co. booth. Stampington publishes over 30 magazines. It was fun seeing repeat customers as well as new ones discovering Stampington & Company for the first time.

I met my facebook friend
Kecia Franzee Deveney for the first time in person. She wears wonderfully arty outfits, her booth was fabulous, and her jewelry is gorgeous! I also met facebook friends Ruth Rae and Cindy Dean but unfortunately didn't take any pictures. I wish that I had taken more pictures as usual!

The closing party complete with cupcakes...yummm!

Because I worked at the booth in the Handmade Market I missed out on a lot of the other fun going on. I did have the opportunity to attend two morning panels which were fabulous! The panels were:
How to Launch a Business
Blogging: How to Make it Matter More
The exchange of ideas and information was
phenomenal! I would certainly recommend this event to any creative woman entrepreneur.