On Thursday, May 25, Mark and I started our road trip to Idaho. About thirty years ago we went on our first road trip, our honeymoon. We don't vacation very often and with the current price of gas and other reasons to think of it, it probably wasn't the best time to travel. But we had already delayed this trip for 18 years...
Spanky came along. Rufus and Ziggy went to Grandma's house and Edna stayed with Brook.
Nice View!
Mark did all of the driving.
Spanky and I enjoyed the scenery on the way.
There was elk all over town in Mammouth Springs.
I found a buffalo in a wash of paint in my Journal earlier this year. I had no idea at that time we would be traveling out west and actually see buffalo. Many buffalo!
I was in awe of all of the wildlife at Yellowstone Park. Mark and I seen 4 black bear, many bison, lots of elk, mule deer, Eagles, pronghorn,mountain goats, dall sheep, and even a wolf. Is this how it used to be all over, before "white man" took over? We traveled through different temperatures and weather depending on our elevation in the mountains.
We even were greeted by a Raven at the park. I now have several nice reference pictures to add to my folder.
We seen buffalo at all different elevations in Yellowstone.
We stopped to see "Old Faithful". Not yet time for it to spout off.
Our next stop was Thompson Falls where we met with our good friend Randy Umbs. Randy used to be our next door neighbor, then he moved to Hayward, Wisconsin. For all the time he lived there we talked about visiting him but never made the trip. Now that he lives on the West side of Montana we visit him. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes you need to make them happen!
Spanky thoroughly enjoyed being the only spoiled dog. The sleeping space above the cab was the perfect spot. He could see out the windows on all sides.
Our Locomotion and Lodging. Our riverside camping spot on the Clark Fork River, courtesy of Randy.
A pair of eagles floating on a log in the Clark Fork River.

Our destination point was Clark Fork Idaho where we spent three fabulous days talking, eating and relaxing with good friends John & Gail, Kristin and Gerald.