There are many pieces that I have designed and have been published in magazines. Since they were published a couple of years ago or more, I feel that I can now share them on my blog.
I used to work as an “artist on call” for Stampington & Co. That is how I became friends with Jill Shulse, who was also an artist on call, but that’s another story. We would be given assignments or challenges with the resulting art for possible inclusion in one of their magazines, most often Inspirations, which is not currently being published.
This particular project was given significant exposure in one of Stampington & Co. magazines. I had wanted to include which one since it still may be available, but if I wait to find it this post will never get published. If you happen to know, I would love if you would message and share with me!
For this particular assignment we were to use Somerset Artist Papers. We had our choice of three collections of papers, vellums and transparencies reflecting the beautiful hand-tinted photographic imagery of Angela Cartwright. They are currently available

Stampington & Co. no longer carries this particular style of paper mache suitcases, but they do have other styles that could be used.

I embellished this one with an old horse bit and some silk flowers with muted colors to match the feel of the paper.

For this suitcase I used a section of garden fencing that I cut to fit. I also drilled holes so that I could attach it to the box. Some artificial fern moss to add to the garden feel!

I thought a cast iron key would be a nice compliment to the ornamental iron gate on the paper. Plus more silk leaves to give a cohesive look to all three boxes.

I made embellished manilla tags with the transparencies from the collection. Once I started it was hard to stop. So much fun to figure out the embellishements to compliment the images!
I placed a picture of my Granny behind the transparency so that she appears to be gazing out the window. I like to use images of family members in my art.

An image was stamped on the background and silk flowers encased in the Tea Room transparency by sewing around the edges. I like to sew precisely and neatly but leaving loose thread ends is my venture into being free and spontaneous.

A bit of frayed edge ribbon was all that I felt this tag needed.

A stamp from Stampington’s collection, metal finding and a bit of raffia to add dimension to the nest.

Some feathers for this angel.

Stamped image of writing is the background for this transparency.

Metal embellshments and stamped image gives layers and depth to this tag.

Instead of stamping words I chose to handwrite a message.

Simple cord wrapped around the tag was all the embellishment this transparency needed.

Green ribbon & a metal brad. Notice the repetition of colors, stamps and embellishments. This is why the tags although each very different all match with one another.

I happened to have a compass in my stash. Perhaps it is an unfounded fear of becoming lost in a desert that inspired this design. Mostly unfounded because we don’t live near a desert.

Some simple brads and a bit of lace.

A few close-up shots for you.
Someday I would like to print some artist papers and transparencies from my own photographs and create art from them. Another addition to my to do list!