The dogs and I were quite surprised to receive a package from UPS on March 8. Enclosed was the Sketchbook Project Journal – More Than 300 Ways to Fill a Page by Steven Peterman & Shane Zucker. Included was a letter thanking me for participating in the Sketchbook Challenge Blog Hop last year. It also read “Please enjoy the journal and if you like it, please feel free to share it with the readers of your blog. I LIKE IT! So here you go readers, I’m sharing it with you. The book is available
Inside are creative prompts to start the creative energy flowing. I was particularly intrigued by this page "THREAD AND SURFACE Cross-stitch this page with a needle and thread".

I chose mustard yellow and black embroidery thread because I liked these colors from the cover. First I stitched with the mustard thread. Then as I was using the black thread I decided to play a bit with the composition. Last I stitched down some magazine images. I really like stitching on paper in a journal! Something I want to explore more in the future.

The stitching on backside of the above page then turned out like this. I’ll admit I tried to keep it neat looking and follow a pattern. It didn’t work out that way. I kind of like the disorder of it though. I wove some images from a library discard book about the Shakers. This page read “When you complete the next page, connect the stitches to create a constellation. So instead I drew some stars to represent a constellation.
I am looking forward to working some more in this book!