This one of a kind assemblage journal has been made with oak veneer plywood book boards. To the book boards is bolted a brass plate that a life size portrait of Albert Einstein has been hand-drawn and then etched upon. A photograph of Albert Einstein's actual eyes has been place under a vintage pair of glasses similar to the ones Einstein would have worn. In the cutout is featured Einstein's quote
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere". Albert Einstein 1879 - 1955.
The 8" x 10" book is bound with waxed linen thread in the coptic style enabling the book to lie open flat when in use. Six signatures of 140lb watercolor paper with a total of 72 pages enables you to use most wet or dry mediums.
For Sale in my Etsy shop.

This one of a kind assemblage journal has been made with oak veneer plywood book boards. To the book boards is bolted a brass plate that has been hand-drawn and then etched upon. Bolted on to the cover is a vintage radio dial that actually turns, so you can "Tune into Creativity"!
Enclosed is a side view of the book to illustrate how much the handle projects from the surface.
disclaimer: I personally find the inspiration of this journal to more than compensate any hindrance the knob causes. There is a hairline crack to the right side of the logo on top of the dial which isn't noticeable unless you are looking for it.
The 6 1/4" x 8 1/4" book is bound with waxed linen thread in the coptic style enabling the book to lie open flat when in use. Six signatures of 140lb watercolor paper with a total of 96 pages enables you to use most wet or dry mediums. Pages vary in width, some are 6" wide and some are 4" wide.
Use as a journal, sketchbook, or guest book. Display on your coffee table for guests to doodle or write in. Would make an exceptional gift for yourself or someone special.
For sale in my Etsy shop.
This original art assemblage journal has been made with oak veneer plywood book boards. To the book boards is bolted brass and copper plates that has been hand-drawn, stamped and then etched upon. Bolted onto the brass plate is a vintage door escutcheon plate with a vintage engraving of an eye encased in resin.
The 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" book is bound with waxed linen thread in the coptic style enabling the book to lie open flat when in use. Ten signatures of 140lb watercolor paper with a total of 120 pages enables you to use a variety of wet or dry mediums.
Use as a journal, sketchbook, or guest book. Display on your coffee table for guests to doodle or write in. Would make an exceptional gift for yourself or someone special.
For sale in my Etsy Shop.
This one of a kind assemblage journal has been made with oak veneer plywood book boards. To the book boards is bolted a vintage brass plate. "The STANDARD Not genuine without this signature Nathanial Baldwin Salt Lake City, Utah".
The 5 1/2" x 5" book is bound with waxed linen thread in the coptic style enabling the book to lie open flat when in use. Four signatures of 140lb watercolor paper with a total of 64 pages enables you to use most wet or dry mediums. Pages vary in width, some are 6" wide and some are 4" wide.
Use as a journal, sketchbook, or guest book. Display on your coffee table for guests to doodle or write in. Would make an exceptional gift for yourself or someone special.
For sale in my Etsy shop.