Friday, October 3, 2008

Author Copy Arrived

I arrived home late on Friday, September 26, after spending another fun and inspiring day with my friend Jill Shulse in her studio. On the counter was a package which I assumed were some books that I had ordered from Amazon. Then I noticed F & W Publishing on the address label. I told Mark it must be the my book! He said "don't open it until I get my camera". It was my book Interactive Art Workshop: Set Your Mixed Media in Motion. Northlight did a wonderful job of designing and putting together this book. How exciting!!!! It won't be available in stores for another month. You can order an advance copy by clicking on the book on the side bar from Amazon. I have been a How-To-Book fan for years. Now I have authored one myself she said smiling :) There are also 24 other contributing artists to my book so there is a wonderful variety of styles included. If they have a website or a blog there is a link for them on the side bar under the title Amazing Artists.


Jill Marie Stange said...

Congratulations on your book, Kim!!! It turned out fabulous, and you can really be proud of it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim

This was such a cool idea for a book. Of course I love that concept since I make art that moves too.

It's so great that you received your copy. How exciting for you!! I was able to see a sneak peek of some of the inside of your book on amazon and it looks great. : )
